Getting Started
HOME Verse' Testnet/Mainnet access is restricted by Proxy. Therefore, in order to deploy a contract or execute a transaction on a contract, it is necessary to register your addresses on the white list.
Sand Verse does not use a proxy to restrict access, so registration on the white list is not required.
Please refer to the following official Oasys document for the technical specifications of the Proxy.
In the Verse layer, one block is generated per transaction. Also, since no block is generated when there is no transaction, please avoid processing starting from the block generation time.
1. Learn types of FT/NFTs on Oasys
There are several types of FT/NFT in Oasys Hub layer(L1)/Verse layer(L2). Please see below to understand them beforehand.
2. Register your wallet addresses to the White list
The wallet address to deploy contracts must be registered in the white list in advance. After submitting a request using the form below, we will register the address that has been confirmed by our management.
*Currently, whitelist applications are limited to partners who develop with HOME Verse; if you want to test with Oasys' Verse layer, please use Sand Verse.
Please let the HOME Verse team know when you have completed your address registration.
Whitelist-based wallet address permissions
Contract deployment
Not possible
WL-registered contract execution
Non-WL contract execution
Not possible
3. Deploy your contract
oNFT After deploying the contract, it is necessary to register the contract address to the white list as in No.2.
4. Bridge your token
Please refer to the Bridge tab below.
The contract address listed in the l1-l2-bridge-tutorial is information for Sand Verse, so the contract address for HOME Verse is listed below.
5. Add your token to Oasys Hub
If you would like to add a token to bridge to the Oasys Hub, please submit a request using the form below.
6. Verify your contracts
Compile your contract code.
Copy the contents of the generated json input and save it as a separate file.
Click on the following link in Explorer to go to the verify page.
Select "Via Standard Input JSON".
Upload the json file and push "Verify & Publish".(It takes few minutes)
Last updated